Thursday, April 28, 2005

Pythagorean Philosophy

Going in a straight line means that the road stretches on forever, unchanging.

Going at an angle provides for an infinite number of probabilities that all have the ability to reach the same point, albeit some times more slowly.

Where Pythagoras was wrong was in believing that the straight line was always the quickest way.

Tuesday, April 12, 2005

Alice Donut

A cockroach's body can live separated from it's head for 7 days and you're worried about a broken clutch cable?

The Beginning

I grew up in Albany California. This meant when I first got my car I used to brave the Nimitz freeway. This was starting back in 1986. It took me several years before I dicovered Traffic.

Normally people think of traffic as troublesome. I wish to disagree. Traffic is fun.

Fun you say? Fun.

There are many kinds of fun. One kind of fun is laughing at a good joke. Another kind of fun is making a challenge out of something simple. Yet another kind of fun is causing a nuisance and watching other peoples reactions. Traffic fulfills 2 out of 3 of these. (I'll give you a hint ... it ain't no joke)

Cross: The Fourth Dimension

I have finally realized what the fourth dimension is!

Point: A single point (red light)
1st Dimension: A line (open road - X)
2nd Dimension: Length by Width (Traffic - X by Y)
3rd Dimension: Length by Width by Height (Traffic with pot holes and curbs - X by Y by Z)
4th Dimension: Cross (God I wish it would rain)

Simplification 1

I have been trying to find the simplest way to define the rules of the game...

I have been abled to reduce it down to one sentence...

"Drive the fastest constant reasonably safe speed possible given the conditions."

I'm sure that I shall be able to make this reasonably more complex in the future. Don't worry.

Some notes:


Safe means that you never (ever) have or cause an accident. Accidents disqualify you from ever playing the game again in your life time. The only way to be requalified to play Traffic is to never (ever) have or cause an accident.

    Constant Speed

Certain wave forms and conditions make a constant speed impossible. A perfect example of a good constant speed environment is East San Francisco California Bay Area traffic. In this traffic it is possible to maintain a constant 5mph at almost any time of the day, even in the worst traffic. Ho Chi Minh City Vietnam has some periods where a constant speed is not only impossible, it simply wouldn't be fun!!!


Conditions are very variable. For example in Vietnam there are no stretches of highway that aren't also a potential resting point for children, chickens, dogs, pot holes, etc. that allow for a reasonable safe speed of more than approximately 80km/hr.